(note that * indicates NON-REVIEWED or CHAIR-REVIEWED.)
2020 and upcoming | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2006-2008 | 2001-2005 | 1996-2000 | 1993-1995
[168] M. Al-Rubaiai*, X. Qi, Z. Frank, R. Tsurta, U. Gandhi, K. J. Kim , and X. Tan**, “Control-Oriented Nonlinear Modeling of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Gel Actuators,” AACC 2021 Modeling, Estimation and Control Conference, October 24-27, 2021, Online and UT Austin, USA (**X. Tan of MSU is the corresponding author) – *Best Student Paper Gold Award. [Science Direct; IFAC PapersOnLine 54-20 (2021) 304–309; 10.1016/j.ifacol.2021.11.191]
[C] Nazanin Minaian and Kwang J. Kim, "Continuing the Investigation of the Sensing Response of Ionic Polymer-Metal Composites: Effects of Geometry and Orientation," the 2021 SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conf. (#SSN01-24, presentation only; March 2021).
[C] Alexandrea Washington, Zakai Olsen, Taeseon Hwang, Kwang J. Kim, and Ji Su, "COMSOL Modelling of HASEL Actuators and their Applications in Robotic Systems," the 2021 SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conf. (#SSN02-46, presentation only; March 2021).
[C] Zachary Frank, Zakai Olsen, Taeseon Hwang, and Kwang J. Kim, "A multi-degree of freedom bending actuator based on a novel cylindrical polyvinyl chloride gel," the 2021 SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conf. (#SSN02-47, presentation only; March 2021).
[C] Justin Neubauer and Kwang J. Kim, "State Space Mathematical Modeling for Mechanoelectrical Transduction of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Based Sensors," the 2021 SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conf. (#SSN02-50, presentation only; March 2021).
[C] Liya Napollion and Kwang J. Kim, "Ionic Polymer Metal Composite (IPMC) for Flexible Energy Storage," the 2021 SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conf. (#SSN05-26, presentation only; March 2021).
No conference papers due to the covid-19 pandemic situation.
[C167] Z. Frank, Z. Olsen, T. Hwang, and K. J. Kim, "Modelling and experimental study for PVC gel actuators," Proceedings of the ASME 2019 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC 2019-9100), October 9-11, 2019, Park City, UT, USA
[C166] J. Neubauer, T. Stalbaum, and K. J. Kim, "Active Catheter Driven by Hybrid Actuation: Experimental and Modeling Results," 2019 16th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots (UR), submission number 24
[C165] J. Neubauer, T. Stalbaum, and K. J. Kim, "IPMC Embedded in a Pneumatic Soft Robotic Actuator: Preliminary Experiments in Actuation and Sensing," 2018 15th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots (UR), 80-82 (2018)
[C164] Y. Luo, N. Zhao, K. J. Kim, J. Yi, and Y. Shen, ”Inchworm Locomotion Mechanism Inspired Self-Deformable Capsule-Like Robot: Design, Modeling, and Experimental Validation, ”2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 6800-6805 (2018)
[C163] Y. Luo, N. Zhao, H. Wang, K. J. Kim, and Y. Shen, "Design, Modeling and Experimental Validation of a Scissor MechanismsEnabled Compliant Modular Earthworm-like Robot," Proceedings of the 2017 IROS, Vancouver, Canada, #IRSO17_1424 (2017)
[C162]* Md M. H. Bhuiya and K. J. Kim, "Numerical Investigation of Hydrogen Sorption Kinetics for AB5 Tyler Porous Pellets," Proceedings of International Sorption Heat Pump Conference, #ISHPC2017-1066, Japan, (2017)
[C161] J. D. Carrico, K. J. Kim and K. K. Leang, "3D-Printed Ionic Polymer-Metal Composite Soft Crawling Robot," Proceedings of the ICRA 2017, Singapore, paper No. 124 (2017).
[C160] B. Naccarato, K. J. Kim, and B. J. Zhang, "Enhanced Condensation via Surface Modification: Flow Visualization," 5th IIR International Conference On TPTPR, Seoul, PAPER ID: 0048 (2017; DOI: 10.18462/iir.tptpr.2017.0048).
[C159]* Q. Shen, T. Stalbaum, S. Trabia, T. Hwang, R. Hunt, and K. Kim, "Modeling of a Soft Multiple-Shape-Memory Ionic Polymer-Metal Composite Actuator, Proceedings of the SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conf., #10165 – 1 (2017).
[C158]* Y. Wang, S. He, S. Li, F. Yang, Z. Zhang, and K. Kim, "Design and Parameter Optimization of Continuous Hydrogen Storage Device," 21st World Hydrogen Energy Conference 2016, Zaragoza, Spain, June 13-16 (2016).
[C157]*S. Trabia, Q. Shen, T. Stalbaum, R. Hunt, T. Hwang, and K. Kim, "Numerical and Experimental Investigation of a Biomimetic Robotic Jellyfish Actuated by Ionic Polymer-Metal Composite," Proceedings of The 13th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence, #URAI 2016,Xian, China Korea (August 19-22, 2016).
[C156]*Q. Shen, V. Palmre, J. Lee, K. J. Kim, "A Physics Model of the Multi-Degree Freedom Ionic Polymer-Metal Composite Cylinder Actuator," Proceedings of the SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conf., #9800 – 47 (2016).
[C155]*T. Stalbaum, S. Trabia, Qi Shen, and K. J. Kim, "Fluid Flow Sensing with Ionic Polymer-Metal Composites," Proceedings of the SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conf., #9798 – 80 (2016).
[C154] S. Niu, Y. Luo, Y. Shen, and K. J. Kim, “Enabling Earthworm-like Soft Robot Development Using Bioinspired IPMC-Scissor Lift Actuation Structures: Design, Locomotion Simulation and Experimental Validation,” the proceedings of the 2015 IEEE Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO 2015), paper #485, Zhuhai, China (December 6-9, 2015)
[C153]* S. Trabia, V. Palmre, and K. J. Kim, “Development of Self-sensing Ionic Polymer-Metal Composite Soft Robotic Actuator Integrated with Gallium-Indium Alloy,” Proceedings of The 12th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence, #URAI 2015-111, Goyang City, S. Korea (October 28-30, 2015).
[C152]* Q. Shen, V. Palmre, T. Stalbaum, and K. J. Kim, “Comprehensive modeling of ionic polymer-metal composite actuators based upon variable surface resistance and underlying physics of the polymer membrane,” Proceedings of the SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conf., #9430-91 (2015).
[C151]* T. Stalbaum, S. E. Nelsona, V. Palmre, and K. J. Kim, “Theoretical investigation of ionic effects in actuation and sensing of IPMCs of various geometries,” Proceedings of the SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conf., #9432-32 (2015).
[C150]* V. Palmre, D. Pugal, and K. J. Kim, “Effects of Electrode Surface Structure on the Mechanoelectrical Transduction of IPMC Sensors,” Proceedings of the SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conf., #9056 - 4 (2014).
[C149]* T. Stalbaum, S. E. Nelson, V. Palmre, and K. J. Kim, “Multi Degree of Freedom IPMC Sensor,” Proceedings of the SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conf., #9056 - 92 (2014).
[C148]* Q. Shen, K. J. Kim, and T. Wang, “Electrode of Ionic Polymer-Metal Composite Sensors: Modeling and Experimental investigation,” Proceedings of the SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conf., #9056 - 136 (2014).
[C147] S. Lee, K. Cheng, and K. J. Kim, “Comparisons of Dropwise Condensation Heat Transfer using Various Types of Surfaces on a Horizontal Tube,” Proceedings of International Sorption Heat Pump (ISHP) Conference, Maryland, College Park, March 30-April 3, #93 (2014).
[C146]* V. Palmre, D. Pugal, K. J. Kim, and W. Yim, “An Electroactive IPMC-based Cylindrical Robotic Platform,” 2013 URAI: an extended abstract, S. Korea (2013).
[C145] M. A. Tsugawa, K. K. Leang, V. Palmre, and K. J. Kim, “Sectored Tube-shaped Ionic Polymer-Metal Composite Actuator with Integrated Sensor,” Proceedings of the ASME 2013 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems, SMASIS2013-3017, Snowbird, Utah, USA (2013).
[C144]* D. Pugal, A. Aabloo, and K. J. Kim, “Scalable Low nDOF hp-FEM Model of IPMC Actuation,” Proceedings of the SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conf., #8687-95 (2013).
[C143]* S. A. Ruiz, B. Mead, H. Yun, W. Yim, and K. J. Kim, Design Optimization of Rod Shaped IPMC Actuator, Proceedings of the SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conf. 8687, Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (EAPAD) 2013, 8687-22 (2013)
[C142]* J. Park, K. J. Kim et al., “A Comparison Study of Ionic Polymer-Metal Composites (IPMCs) Fabricated with Nafion and Other Ion Exchange Membranes,” Proceedings of the SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conf. 8687, Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (EAPAD), #8687-106 (2013).
[C141]* V. Palmre, D. Pugal , K. K. Leang, and K. J. Kim, “The Effects of Electrode Surface Morphology on the Actuation Performance of IPMC,” Proceedings of the SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conf. 8687, Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (EAPAD), #8687-94 (2013).
[C140]* S. Kim and K. J. Kim, “Hydrogen Storage with Annular LaNi5 Metal Hydride Pellets,” Proceedings of ICFMEME 2012, Beijing, China, #M1726 (2012).
[C139]* V. Palmre, D. Pugal, and K. J. Kim, “Characterization of Longitudinal Tensile Force of Millimeter Thick IPMCs,” Proceedings of the SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conf., #8340-92 (2012).
[C138]* D. Pugal, K. J. Kim, V. Palmre, K. K. Leang, and A. Aabloo, “Physics Based Electromechanical Model of IPMC Considering Various Underlying Currents." Proceedings of the SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conf., #8340-24 (2012).
[C137]* S. Gutta, J. Realmuto, W. Yim, and K. J. Kim, “Dynamic Model of a Cylindrical Ionic Polymer-metal Composite Actuator,” Proceeding of the 8th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence, Incheon, S. Korea (2011).
[C136] S. Lee, S. Kim, B. J. Zhang, H. K. Lee, and K. J. Kim, “Nano-Fin like Coating for Dropwise Condensation: Modeling Perspectives,” Proceedings of AFORE-1 (Asia-Pacific Forum on Renewable Energy) – The best paper award, Busan, S. Korea (2011).
[C135] M. Fleming, J. Hubbard, K. J. Kim, and K. K. Leang, "Mitigating IPMC Back-Relaxation Effect through Controlled Activation of Patterned Electrodes," Proceedings of the ASME 2011 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems (SMASIS2011), Phoenix, Arizona (SMASIS2011-4970, September 2011).
[C134] K. Cheng, E. Yang, C. Lee, Z. Ricks, V. Palmre, and K. J. Kim, "Fine-Tuned Polymer Nano-composite Coatings for Use in Geothermal Plants," Proceedings of the ASME 2011 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems (SMASIS2011), Phoenix, Arizona (SMASIS2011-5012, September 2011).
[C133] M. M. H. Bhuiya, C. Y. Lee, R. Hopkins, H. Yoon, S. Kim, S. H. Park, and K. J. Kim, "A High-Performance Dual-Stage Hydrogen Compressor System Using Ca0.2Mm0.8N5 Metal Hydride," Proceedings of the ASME 2011 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems (SMASIS2011), Phoenix, Arizona (SMASIS2011-5120, September 2011).
[C132] J. J. Hubbard, M. Fleming, K. K. Leang, V. Palmre, D. Pugal, and K. J. Kim, "Characterization of Sectored-Electrode IPMC-Based Propulsors for Underwater Locomotion," Proceedings of the ASME 2011 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems (SMASIS2011), Phoenix, Arizona (SMASIS2011-5155, September 2011).
[C131] S. J. Kim, D. Pugal, J. Wong, K. J. Kim, and W. Yim, "A Bio-inspired Multi Degree of Freedom Actuator Based on a Novel Cylindrical Ionic Polymer-Metal Composite Material," Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Advanced Robotics, June 20-23, 2011, Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia, submission #81 (2011).
[C130] C. Y. Lee, B. J. Zhang, J. Park, K. J. Kim, and B. Belmont, "Nucleate Pool Boiling Heat Transfer of 2-ethly-1-hexanol added LiBr Solution on a Nano-Porous Surface," Proceedings of the International Sorption Heat Pump Conference, Paper#I74 (2011).
[C129]* D. Pugal, K. J. Kim, P. Solin, and A. Aabloo, "A Novel hp-FEM Model for IPMC Actuation," Proceedings of the SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conf./Behavior and Mechanics of Multifunctional Materials and Composites V (#7978-26, 2011).
[C128]* D. Pugal, K. J. Kim, K. K. Leang, and V. Palmre, "Modeling and Designing IPMCs for Twisting Transduction," Proceedings of the SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conf./Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (EAPAD) XIII (#7976-63, 2011).
[C127]* V. Palmre, S. J. Kim, and K. J. Kim, "Millimeter Thick Ionic Polymer Membrane-based IPMCs with Bimetallic Pd-Pt Electrodes," Proceedings of the SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conf./Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (EAPAD) XIII (#7976-40, 2011).
[C126]* B. J. Zhang, J. Park, C. Y. Lee, K. J. Kim, and B. Belmong, "Tunable ultrahydrophobic/philic multiple roughness for heat transfer applications," Proceedings of the SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conf./Bioinspiration, Biomimetics, and Bioreplication (#7975-37, 2011).
[C125]* K. Cheng, B. J. Zhang, C. Y. Lee, M. Kennedy, S. Kim, H. Yoon, K. J. Kim, J. Liu, and G. Skandan, "Biomimetic super-hydrophobic surfaces for use in enhanced dropwise condensation," Proceedings of the SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conf./Bioinspiration, Biomimetics, and Bioreplication (#7975-35, 2011).
[C124] S. J. Kim, D. Pugal, Y. Jung, J. Wong, K. J. Kim, and W. Yim, "A Rod-shaped Ionic Polymer-Metal Composite for Use as an Active Catheter-Platform," Proceedings of the ASME 2010 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems, SMASIS 2010, Philadelphia, #SMASIS2010-3789 (2010).
[C123] J. S. Lee, S. Gutta, W. Yim, and K. J. Kim, "Preliminary Study of Wireless Actuation and Control of IPMC Actuator," AIM2010, Montreal, Canada, Paper WeA5.3 (July 2010).
[C122] S. Kim, Y. Jung, K. K. Leang, and K. J. Kim, "Development of Dimensionally Scale-able IPMC Materials," AIM2010, Montreal, Canada, Paper WeA5.1 (July 2010).
[C121] S. Song, K. J. Kim, and K. K. Leang, "Precision Tracking of Oscillatory Motion in IPMC Actuators," AIM2010, Montreal, Canada, Paper WeA5.5 (July 2010).
[C120]* D. Pugal, A. Aabloo, Y. Jung, and K. J. Kim "Full Scale Fast 3D Model of IPMC," Proceedings of 16th US National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (USNCTAM2010), PA (2 page extended abstract, June 2010).
[C119]* D. Pugal, A. Aabloo, and K. J. Kim, "Modeling the Transduction of IPMC in 3D Configurations," Proceedings of the SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conf., Vol. 7644, 76441T-76441T-9 (March 2010). doi: 10.1117/12.847958
[C118]* D. Pugal, S. J. Kim, K. J. Kim, and K. K. Leang, "IPMC: Recent Progress in Modeling, Manufacturing, and New Applications," Proceedings of the SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conf., Vol. 7642, 7642OU (March 2010). doi:10.1117/12.84828
[C117]* R. O. Riddle, Y. Jung, S.-M. Kim, S. Song, B. Stolpman, K. J. Kim and K. K. Leang, "Sectored-electrode IPMC Actuator for Bending and Twisting Motion,"Proceedings of the SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conf., Vol. 7642, 764221-764221-9 (March 2010). doi: 10.1117/12.848003
[C116] D. Pugal, A. Aabloo, K. J. Kim, and Y. Jung, "Modeling IPMC Material with Dynamic Surface Characteristics," Proceedings of the ASME 2009 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems (SMASIS2009), SMASIA2009-1377, Oxnard, CA (September 2009).
[C115] M. Lee, I.-S. Park, S. W. Kim, and K. J. Kim, "Porous Metal Hydride (PMH) Compacts for Thermal Energy Applications," Proceedings of the 2009 ASME 3rd International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES2009, San Francisco, CA, #ES2009-90361 (July 2009).
[C114] S. Kim, K. J. Kim, J. M. Kennedy, J. Liu, and G. Skandan, "Submicron Superhydrophobic Surface Treatment Suitable for High Performance Condensers: A Modeling," Proceedings of the 2009 ASME 3rd International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES2009, San Francisco, CA, #ES2009-90166 (July 2009).
[C113] R. Tiwari, S.-M. Kim, and K. J. Kim, "Variable Thickness IPMC: Capacitance Effect on Energy Harvesting," Proceeding of the Fall 2008 MRS meeting, Boston, MA, Vol. 1129, pp.213-223 (2009).
[C112] A. Vanderhoff and K. J. Kim, "Metal Hydride Fluidic Artificial Muscle Actuation System," Proceeding of the Fall 2008 MRS meeting, Boston, MA, Vol. 1129, pp.299-310 (2009).
[C111]* S.-M. Kim, R. Tiwari, and K. J. Kim, "A Novel Ionic Polymer-Metal Composites Incorporating ZnO Thin Film," Proceedings of the SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conf., #7287-31 (March 2009).
[C110]* I.-S. Park, K. J. Kim, C. Bae, S.-M. Kim, T. S. Jo, J. Truong, W. Yim, and J.-S. Lee, "Sulfonated-Polyamide Based IPMCs," Proceedings of the SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conf., #7287-32 (March 2009).
[C109]* D. Pugal, A. Aabloo, and K. J. Kim, "Dynamic Surface Resistance Model of IPMC," Proceedings of the SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conf., #7289-48 (March 2009).
[C108]* R. Tiwari and K. J. Kim, "Disc-Shaped IPMC for Use in Energy Harvesting," Proceedings of the SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conf., #7289-50 (March 2009).
[C107]* I.-S. Park, R. Tiwari, and K. J. Kim, "Sprayed Sensor Using IPMC PAINT," 3rd International Conference-Smart Materials Structures Systems, CIMTEC2008, Sicily, Italy, published in Advances in Science and Technology, Vol. 61, pp. 59-64 (2008).
[C106]* Y.-D. Jun and K. J. Kim, "Dynamic Surface Tension Measurements of Heat Transfer Additives," Proceedings of International Sorption Heat Pump Conference 2008 (ISHPC 2008), #AB-074, Seoul, S. Korea (Sept 2008).
[C105]* S. M. Ha, I.-S. Park, M. Wissler, R. Pelrine, S. Stanford, K. J. Kim, G. Kovacs, and Q. Pei, "High Electromechanical Performance of Electroelastomers Based on Interpenetrating Polymer Networks," Proceedings of the SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conf., #6927-90 (March 2008).
[C104]* K. Jung, K. J. Kim, and H. R. Choi, "Self-Sensing of Dielectric Elastomer Actuator," Proceedings of the SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conf., #6927-66 (March 2008).
[C103]* S.-M. Kim and K. J. Kim, "Ionic Polymer-Metal Composites (IPMCs) with Bimetallic Pt-Pd Electrode," Proceedings of the SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conf., #6927-12 (March 2008).
[C102]* K. J. Kim, I.-S. Park, and R. Tiwari, "IPMC Paints," Proceedings of the SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conf., #6927-10 (March 2008).
[C101]* R. Tiwari and K. J. Kim, "Improved IPMC Sensing By Use Of Cation & Through Induced Nano-to-Micro Scale Surface Cracks," Proceedings of the SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conf., #6932-127 (March 2008).
[C100]* K. Jung and K. J. Kim, "A Metal-Hydride Actuator," Proceedings of the SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conf., #6932-109 (March 2008).
[C99] G. Lloyd and K. J. Kim, "Power/Efficiency Optimization of a Sorption Cooler Under Quantified Design Uncertainty," Proceedings of IMECE2007, #IMECE2007-4374, Seattle, WA (November, 2007).
[C98] C. Park, X. Tang, K. J. Kim, J. Gottschlich, and Q. Leland, Proceedings of IMECE2007, #IMECE2007-42831, Seattle, WA (November, 2007).
[C97] J. Cao, G. Calvert, T. Jacobson, L. Clements, S.-Y. Luo, and K. J. Kim, "Developing High-Temperature Dissolvable Reconfigurable Tooling Materials," Proceedings of SAMPE 07, Baltimore, MA (June 2007).
[C96] J. S. Lee, W. Yim, and K. J. Kim, "Motion Planning and Control of Artificial Muscle Actuated Underwater Vehicle Using Nonlinear Neural Oscillator," Proceedings of ASME, DETC2007/VIB-34572, Las Vegas (September 2007).
[C95]* I-S. Park, D. Kim, S.-M. Kim, and K. J. Kim, "Mechanical Properties of Ionic Polymer-Metal Composites," Proceedings of the SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conf., #6524-10 (March 2007).
[C94]* S. Vohnout , S.-M. Kim, I.-S. Park, M. Banister, R. Tiwari, and K. J. Kim, "IPMC Assisted Miniature Disposable Infusion Pumps with Embedded Computer Control," Proceedings of the SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conf., #6524-69 (March 2007).
[C93]* D. Kim and K. J. Kim, "Can We Overcome the Relaxation of Ionic Polymer-Metal Composite?" Proceedings of the SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conf., #6524-08 (March 2007).
[C92]* R. Tiwari, D. Dogruer, and K. J. Kim, "Energy Harvesting of Ionic Polymer-Metal Composites," Proceedings of the SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conf., #6524-48 (March 2007).
[C91]* D. Pugal, H. Kasemagi, K. J. Kim, M. Kruusmaa, A. Aabloo, "Finite Element Simulations of the Bending of the IPMC Sheet," Proceedings of the SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conf.,# 6524-67 (March 2007).
[C90] S. Vemuri, K. J. Kim, and T. W. Bell, "The Longevity of Self Assembled Monolayer Coatings fro Enhanced Steam Condensation and Their Applications in Geothermal Power Plants," 2006 GRC Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA (September 11, 2006).
[C89] W. Yim, K. J. Kim, M. Trabia, P. Reddy D.K. "Dynamic Modeling of Segmented Ionic Polymer Metal Composite (IPMC) Actuator," IROS 2006, Beijing, China (October, 2006).
[C88]* D. Dogruer, K. J. Kim, A. Pudipeddi, I.-S. Park, and D. Kim, "Ionic Polymer-Metal Composite as Smart Velocity Sensors and Energy Harvesters," the US-Korea workshop on Smart Structures Technology for Steel Structures, Seoul, Korea (November, 2006).
[C87]* D. Dogruer, K. J. Kim, and A. Pudipeddi, "The Potential Use of Ionic-Polymer Metal Composites as Velocity Sensors and Energy Harvesters," Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Advanced Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology, Lake Tahoe, ANCRISST (June 2006).
[C86]* Il-Seok Park and K. J. Kim, "Magnetically Responsive Ionic Polymer-Metal Composites: A New Development," the 2006 SAMPE Conference (April 2006).
[C85]* S. Lee and K. J. Kim, "Muscle-like Linear Actuator by Using an Ionic Polymer-Metal Composite and Its Actuation Characteristics," Proceedings of the SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conf., #6168-70 (March 2006).
[C84]* I.-S. Park, K. J. Kim, and D. Kim, " Multi-Fields Responsive Ionic Polymer-Metal Composites," Proceedings of the SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conf., #6168-36 (March 2006).
[C83]* S. Vemuri and K. J. Kim, "Thermal Management of Ionic Polymer-Metal Composites," Proceeding of SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conf., #6168-69 (March 2006).
[C82]* A. Pudipeddi, D. Kim, and K. J. Kim, "Sensory behavior of Ionic Polymer Metal Composite," Proceedings of the SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conf., #6168-68 (March 2006).
[C81]* D. Dogruer, K. J. Kim, and W. Yim, "Fluid Interaction of Segmented Ionic Polymer-Metal Composites under Water," Proceeding of the SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conf., #6168-34 (March 2006).
[C80]* D. Kim and K. J. Kim, "A Multi-physics Model for Ionic Polymer-Metal Composite Actuators," Proceedings of the SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conf., #6168-67 (March 2006).
[C79]* D. Kim and K. J. Kim, "Electro-chemo-mechanical Interpretation of Pt and Au-electroded Ionic Polymer-Metal Composites," Proceedings of the SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conf., #6168-35 (March 2006).
[C78]* K. J. Kim and C.-H. Je, "Ionic Polymer Based Chemical Sensors for Potential Use in Environmental Monitoring Applications," Proceedings of China-US Special Workshop on Multiple Hazards Resistant Strategy and Monitoring Technologies for Large Public Buildings, Beijing (November 2005).
[C77]* D. Kim, J. Paquette, I.-S. Park, S. Lee, A. Pudipeddi, D. Dogruer, K. J. Kim, "Ionic Polymer-Metal Composites as Actuators and Sensors: Recent Development," Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Advanced Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology, Kyeongju, South Korea, ANCRISST (July 2005).
[C76] S. Vemuri and K. J. Kim, "An Analytical Study to Marangoni Induced Condensation Using Heat Transfer Additives," Proceedings of International Sorption Heat Pump Conference, paper number #94 (June 2005).
[C75]* K. J. Kim, W. Yim, D. Dogruer, and D. Kim, and Underwater Operation of Ionic Polymer-Metal Composite Artificial Muscle Actuators," Proceedings of the International Symposium on Unmanned Untethered Submersible Technology (UUST05) (August 2005).
[C74]* K. J. Kim, "Fabrication and Development of Electroactive Ionic Polymer-Metal Composites," International Conference on Emerging Science and Technology, Seoul, S. Korea (May 2005).
[C73] S. Vemuri and K. J. Kim, "The Potential Use of Heat Transfer Additives for Condensers in Geothermal Power Plants," Proceedings of Geothermal Resources Council, 2005 Annual Meeting (September 2005).
[C72] C. Park, K. J. Kim, J. Gottschich and Q. Leland, "High Performance Heat Storage and Dissipation Technology," Proceedings of IMECE 2005, November, Orlando, FL (2005).
[C71]* W. Yim, J. Paquette, S. Heo, and K. J. Kim, "Operation of Ionic Polymer-Metal Composites in Water,"#5759-6 (March 2005).
[C70]* D. Kim and K. J. Kim, "Electrochemistry of Ionic Polymer-Metal Composite (IPMC)," SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conf., #5759-69 (March 2005).
[C69]* D. Kim and K. J. Kim, "Self-Oscillatory Behavior of Ionic Polymer-Metal Composite (IPMC): A New Finding," SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conf., #5759-7 (manuscript in preparation, March 2005).
[C68]* K. J. Kim, D. Y. Lee, S. Heo, and M.-H. Lee, "Multiwalled carbon nanotube/IPMC Nanocomposite," SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conf., #5759-26, March 2005).
[C67]* S. K Lee, K. J. Kim, and H. C. Park, "Design and Performance Analysis of a Novel IPMC-driven Micropumps," SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conf., #5759-65 (March 2005).
[C66]* D. Kim and K. J. Kim, "Self-Oscillatory Ionic Polymer-Metal Composites," Biomimetics & Nano-Bio, World Congress, NB-05-01, Albuquerque, NM (December 2004).
[C65]* K. J. Kim, W. Yim, J. W. Paquette, and D. Kim, "Ionic Polymer-Metal Composites: Underwater Operation," Biomimetics & Nano-Bio, World Congress, NB-05-03, Albuquerque, NM (December 2004).
[C64] D. Y. Lee, S. Heo, K. J. Kim, D. Y. Kim, and M.-H. Lee, "Preparation of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube (MWNT)-Nafion Composites as Actuator," Bioceramics (December 2004).
[C63]* H.C. Park, S. Lee, and K. J. Kim, "Equivalent Modeling of Shape Design of IPMC (Ionic Polymer-Metal Composite) as Flapping Actuator," Asian Pacific Conference for Fracture and Strength, Oct. 6-8, Jeju, Korea (2004).
[C62]* H.C. Park, K. J. Kim, S. Lee, S. Y. Lee, Y. J. Cha, K. J. Yoon, and N. S. Goo, "Biomimetic Flapping Devices Powered by Artificial Muscle Actuators," UKC2004 US-Korea Conference on Science, Technology and Entrepreneurship, August, 2004.
[C61] G. Lloyd, K. J. Kim, K. Xia, and A. Razani, "Comprehensive Simulation of a Metal Hydride KcKibben Actuator," Proceedings of IMECE 2004, November, Anaheim, CA, #60449 (in review).
[C60] J. W. Paquette, K. J. Kim and W. Yim, "Ionic Polymer-Metal Composite Aquatic Robotic Propulsion Potential," Proceedings of IROS 2004, 2004 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Sendai, Japan, TP2-H2 (2004).
[C59] E. N. Schmierer, J. Paquette, A. Razani, and K. J. Kim, "Effective Thermal Conductivity of Fully-Saturated High Porosity Metal Foam," Proceedings of ASME 2004 Heat Transfer/Fluids Engineering Conference, Charlotte, NC, HT-FED2004-56242 (July 2004).
[C58] S. Vemuri, K. J. Kim, B. D. Wood, T. Bell, "A Theoretical Approach to Dropwise Condensation Using Population Balance Concept," Proceedings of IMECE 2004, November, Anaheim, CA, #60585 (in review).
[C57]* H. C. Park and K. J. Kim, S. K. Lee, and Y. J. Chah, "Electromechanical Flapping Produced by Ionic Polymer-Metal Composites," Proceedings of SPIE Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, San Diego, California, #5385-63 (March 2004).
[C56]* R. Samatham, K. Choi, K. J. Kim, M. Shahinpoor, and J.-D. Nam and "Toward Nanobiomimetic Muscles: Polyacrylonitrile Nanofibers," Proceedings of SPIE Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, San Diego, California, #5385-62 (March 2004).
[C55]* C. Je, D. Kim and K. J. Kim, "Electroactive Cellophane Actuators: Ionic or Piezoelectric?" Proceedings of SPIE Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, San Diego, California, #5385-32 (March 2004).
[C54]* J. W. Paquette, K. J. Kim, D. Kim, and W. Yim, "The Behavior of Ionic Polymer-Metal Composites in a Multilayer Configuration," Proceedings of SPIE Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, San Diego, California, #5385-26 (March 2004).
[C53] J. W. Paquette and K. J. Kim, "Ionic Polymer-Metal Composites as Smart Materials under Subzero Temperature Conditions," (Invited Paper), Proceedings of MRS Symposium, Vol. 785, D8.1, Boston, MA (December 2003).
[C52] J. W. Paquette and K. J. Kim, "Ionomeric Electro-Active Polymer Artificial Muscle – Overview," Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Unmanned Untethered Submersible Technology (UUST03), (August 2003).
[C51] S. Vemuri, K. J. Kim, B. D. Wood, S. Govindaraju, and T. W. Bell, "The Effect of Nano-Tailored Surfaces on Steam Condensation," Proceedings of IMECE 2003, November, Washington DC, #43083 (November 2003).
[C50] J. Paquette and K. J. Kim, "Behavior of Ionic Polymer-Metal Composites under Subzero Temperature Conditions," Proceedings of IMECE 2003, Washington DC, #42929 (November 2003).
[C49]* K. J. Kim, "Fabrication and Development of Electroactive Ionic Polymer-Metal Composites and Their Applications as Smart Materials" (Invited Paper), Proceedings of THERMEC’2003 – Symposium on Smart Materials, Processing and Devices, Madrid, Spain (July 2003).
[C48]* C.-H. Je and K. J. Kim, "Polarization Effect of Electroactive Cellulose," Proceeding of SPIE 10th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, San Diego, California, Vol. 5051, pp. 534-539 (March 2003).
[C47]* K. J. Kim, J. Caligiuri, K. Choe, and M. Shahinpoor,, "Contraction/Elongation Behavior of Cation-Modified Polyacrylonitrile Fibers, Proceeding of SPIE 10th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, San Diego, California, Vol. 5051, pp. 207-213 (March 2003).
[C46]* J. W. Paquette, K. J. Kim, and A. Fuchs, "Low Temperature Operation of Ionic Polymer Metal Composites Actuators," Proceeding of SPIE 10th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, San Diego, California, Vol. 5051, pp. 254-261 (March 2003).
[C45]* K. J. Kim, J. Caligiuri, K. Choe, R. Samatham, M. Shahinpoor, I. D. Norris, and B. R. Mattis, "Polyacrylonitrile Nanofibers as Artificial Nanomuscles," First World Congress on Biomimetics and Artificial Muscles (BAM)-CD Proceedings (December 2002).
[C44]* J. W. Paquette and K. J. Kim, "An Electric Circuit Model for Ionic Polymer Metal Composites," First World Congress on Biomimetics and Artificial Muscles (BAM)-CD Proceedings (December 2002).
[C43]* K. J. Kim, "Ionic Polymer-Metal Composites - Manufacturing Techniques," (Invited Paper), First World Congress on Biomimetics and Artificial Muscles (BAM)-CD Proceedings (December 2002).
[C42]* K. J. Kim, G. Lloyd, J. Detweiler, M. Shahinpoor, and A. Razani, "Investigation of a Metal Hydride Artificial Muscle," First World Congress on Biomimetics and Artificial Muscles (BAM)-CD Proceedings (December 2002).
[C41] J. W. Paquette and K. J. Kim, "Initial Assessment of Small Systems (MEMS and NEMS) Course Taught in an Undergraduate and Graduate Classroom," Proceedings of ASME IMECE’02, New Orleans, LA (2002).
[C40] J. W. Paquette, K. J. Kim, J.-D. Nam, and Y. S. Tak, "An Equivalent Circuit Model for Ionic Polymer-Metal Composites and Their Performance Improvement by a Clay-Based Polymer Nano-Composite Technique," Proceedings of ASME IMECE’02, New Orleans, LA, Paper # ASMS40 (2002).
[C39]* J.-D. Nam, J. H. Lee, H.R. Choi, H. M. Kim, J. W. Jeon, J. Paquette, K. J. Kim, Y. S. Tak, and H. Xu, "Development of Electroactive Silicate Nanocomposites Prepared for Use as Ionic Polymer-Metal Composites (IPMC’s) Artificial Muscles and Sensors," Proceeding of SPIE 9th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, San Diego, California, Vol. 4695, pp. 387-394 (March 2002).
[C38]* K. J. Kim and M. Shahinpoor, "Ionic Polymer-Metal Composites – Manufacturing Techniques," Proceeding of SPIE 9th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, San Diego, California, Vol. 4695, pp. 210-219 (March 2002).
[C37]* M. Shahinpoor, I. D. Norris, B. R. Mattis, K. J. Kim, and L. O. Sillerud, "Electroactive Polyacrylonitrile Nanofibers as Artificial Nano-Muscles," Proceeding of SPIE 9th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, San Diego, California, Vol. 4695, pp. 351-358 (March 2002).
[C36]* M. Shahinpoor and K. J. Kim, "Ionic Polymer-Metal Composites: Fundamentals and Phenomenological Modeling," Proceeding of SPIE 9th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, San Diego, California, Vol. 4695, pp. 294-302 (March 2002).
[C35]* M. Shahinpoor and K. J. Kim, "Electrically-Controllable Deformation Memory Effects in Ionic Polymers," Proceeding of SPIE 9th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, San Diego, California, Vol. 4695, pp. 85-94 (March 2002).
[C34] G. Lloyd, K. J. Kim, A. Razani, and M. Shahinpoor, "Investigation of a Solar-Thermal Bio-mimetic Metal Hydride Actuator," Proceedings of the International Solar Eng. Conf., Solar Engineering 2002 Conference/ASME 2002, Vol. SED2002-1066, pp. 301-308, Reno, Nevada (June 2002).
[C33] A. Razani, M. Patterson, and K. J. Kim, "Second Law Analysis and Optimization of a Combined Cycle with Integrated Compressor Inlet Air Cooling," CD Proceedings of International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, New York, CD 3, AES 8B (November 2001).
[C32] G. Lloyd, A. Razani, and K. J. Kim, "The Influence of Source Terms on a Gradient-based Curvilinear Grid Scheme Applied to a Non-local Thermal Equilibrium Reacting Flow," Proceedings of International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer, Palm Cove, Queensland, Australia, pp. 493-501 (May 2001).
[C31]* K. T. Feldman, Jr., C. Jensen, A. Razani, and K. J. Kim, "Development of NiSorb Heat Pumps," CD-RM Proceedings of the 2001 NSF Design, Service & Manufacturing Grantees & Research Conference (produced by Engineering Professional Program-University of Washington), Tampa, Florida (January 2001).
[C30] B. K. Henderson, S. Lane, M. Shahinpoor, K. J. Kim, and D. Leo, "Evaluation of Ionic Polymer-Metal Composites (IPMC) for Use as DC Mechanical Sensors," Proceeding of AIAA Space 2001 Conference and Exposition, Albuquerque, New Mexico, AIAA 2001-4600 (August 2001).
[C29]* K. J. Kim and M. Shahinpoor, "Development of Three Dimensional Polymeric Artificial Muscles," Proceeding of SPIE 8th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, Newport Beach, California, Vol. 4329, pp. 223-232 (March 2001).
[C28]* K. J. Kim and M. Shahinpoor, "The Synthesis of Nano-Scale Platinum Particles-Their Role in Performance Improvement of Artificial Muscles and Fuel Cells," Proceeding of SPIE 8th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, Newport Beach, California, Vol. 4329, pp. 189-198 (March 2001).
[C27]* M. Shahinpoor and K. J. Kim, "Fully Dry Solid-State Artificial Muscles Exhibiting Giant Electromechanical Effect," Proceeding of SPIE 8th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, Newport Beach, California, Vol. 4329, pp. 428-435 (March 2001).
[C26]* M. Shahinpoor and K. J. Kim, "Novel Ionic Polymeric Hydraulic Actuators," Proceeding of SPIE 8th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, Newport Beach, California, Vol. 4329, pp. 164-173 (March 2001).
[C25]* M. Shahinpoor and K. J. Kim, "A Novel Physically-Loaded and Interlocked Electrode Developed for Ionic Polymer-Metal Composites (IPMCs)," Proceeding of SPIE 8th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, Newport Beach, California, Vol. 4329, pp. 174-181 (March 2001).
[C24]* M. Shahinpoor and K. J. Kim, "A Mega-Power Metal Hydride Anthroform Biorobotic Actuator," Proceeding of SPIE 8th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, Newport Beach, California, Vol. 4327, pp. 110-117 (March 2001).
[C23]* M. Shahinpoor and K. J. Kim, "Design, Development, and Testing of a Multi-Fingered Mammalian Heart Compression/Assist Device Equipped with IPMC," Proceeding of SPIE 8th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, Newport Beach, California, Vol. 4329, pp. 411-420, (March 2001).
[C22]* M. Shahinpoor, K. J. Kim, B. K. Henderson, and D. Leo, "Sensing Capabilities of Ionic Polymer-Metal Composites," Proceeding of SPIE 8th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, Newport Beach, California, Vol. 4328, pp. 267-274 (March 2001).
[C21] K. H. Bak, J. W. Chung, J. M. Kim, C. H. Kim, L. Ferrara, E. C. Benzel, and K. J. Kim (ed. by Monduzzi Editore S.p.A. - MEDIMOND Inc., A827/C/0188), "The Effect of Repetitive Insertion and Pullout of Spinal Screws on Pullout Resistance: A Biomedical Study," Proceedings of First Interdisciplinary World Congress on SPINAL SURGERY and Related Disciplines, Berlin, Germany, pp. 55-63 (August 27-September 1, 2000).
[C20]* M. Shahinpoor, K. J. Kim, and H. B. Schreyer, "Artificial Sarcomere and Muscle Made with Conductive Polyacrylonitrile (C-PAN) Fiber Bundles," Proceedings of SPIE 7th International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, Newport Beach, California, Vol. 3687, pp. 243-251 (March 2000).
[C19]* M. Shahinpoor and K. J. Kim, "Effects Counter-ions on the Performance of IPMCs," Proceedings of SPIE 7th International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, Newport Beach, California, Vol. 3687, pp. 110-120 (March 2000).
[C18]* K. J. Kim, M. Shahinpoor, and A. Razani, "Preparation of IPMCs for Use in Fuel Cells, Electrolysis, and Hydrogen Sensors," Proceedings of SPIE 7th International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, Newport Beach, California, Vol. 3687, pp. 311-320 (March 2000).
[C17] G. M. Lloyd, A. Razani, and K. J. Kim, "NLTE Computational Results for Reacting Flow in Two-phase Gas/Solid Porous Media," Proceedings of 1999 ASME National Heat Transfer Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico (August 1999).
[C16]* K. J. Kim and M. Shahinpoor, "The Effect of the Surface-Electrode Resistance on the Actuation of the Ionic Polymer-Metal Composites (IPMCs) Artificial Muscles," Proceedings of SPIE/Smart Structures and Materials/Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices, Newport Beach, California, Vol. 3669, pp. 308-319 (March 1999).
[C15]* L. Ferrara, M. Shahinpoor, K. J. Kim, H. B. Schreyer, A. Keshavarzi, E. Benzel, and J. Lantz, "Use of Ionic Polymer-Metal Composites (IPMCs) as a Pressure Transducer in the Human Spine," Proceedings of SPIE/Smart Structures and Materials/Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices, Newport Beach, California, Vol. 3669, pp. 394-401 (March 1999).
[C14]* H. B. Schreyer, M. Shahinpoor, and K. J. Kim, "Electrical Activation of PAN-Pt Artificial Muscles," Proceedings of SPIE/Smart Structures and Materials/Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices, Newport Beach, California, Vol. 3669, pp. 192-198 (March 1999).
[C13]* K. J. Kim, M. Shahinpoor, and A. Razani, "Electro-Active Polymer Materials for Solid Polymer Fuel Cells," Proceedings of SPIE/Smart Structures and Materials/Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices, Newport Beach, California, Vol. 3669, pp. 385-393 (March 1999).
[C12]* A. Keshavarzi, M. Shahinpoor, K. J. Kim, and J. Lantz "Blood Pressure, Pulse Rate and Rhythm Measurement Using Ionic Polymer-Metal Composites Sensors," Proceedings of SPIE/Smart Structures and Materials/Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices, Newport Beach, California, Vol. 3669, pp. 369-30 (March 1999).
[C11] K. T. Feldman, Jr., C. M. Jensen, K. J. Kim, and A. Razani, "Heat Pumps Using Organometallic Liquid Absorbent," Proceedings of the ASME Advanced Energy Systems Division – Symposium on Working Media for Heat Pumps, Anaheim, California, AES-Vol. 38, pp. 403-407 (November 1998).
[C10] G. Lloyd, K. J. Kim, and A. Razani, "Metal Hydrides for Solar-Thermal Applications," Proceedings of 27th American Solar Energy Society (ASES) Annual Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, pp. 439-444 (June 1998).
[C9] G. Lloyd, A. Razani, K. J. Kim, and K. T. Feldman, Jr., "Two-Temperature Integral Analysis of a Compressor-Driven Metal Hydride Heat Pump," Proceedings of the International Mechanical Congress and Exposition-ASME, Dallas, Texas, AES-5: Heat Pumps and Refrigeration Design, Analysis, and Application (The Best Paper Award), pp. 371-382 (November 1997).
[C8] K. T. Feldman, Jr., K. J. Kim, T. Way, G. Lloyd and A. Razani, "Compressor Driven Metal Hydride Heat Pumps," Proceedings of the International Ab-sorption Heat Pump Conference'96, Montreal, Canada, pp. 497-503 (September 1996).
[C7] K. J. Kim, S. Kulankara, K. E. Herold, and C. Miller, "Heat Transfer Additives for Use in High Temperature Applications," Proceedings of the International Ab-sorption Heat Pump Conference'96, Montreal, Canada, pp. 89-97 (September 1996).
[C6] K. J. Kim, T. A. Ameel, and B. D. Wood, "Performance Evaluations of LiCl and LiBr for Absorber Design Applications in the Open Cycle Absorption Refrigeration System," Proceedings of the International Ab-sorption Heat Pump Conference'96, Montreal, Canada, pp. 769-778 (September 1996).
[C5]* K. T. Feldman, Jr., K. J. Kim, J. W. Congdon, and K. Shanahan, "Development of Metal Hydride Composites for Refrigeration," Proceedings of the Appliance Manufacturer Conference & Expo., Nashville (September 1996).
[C4] K. J. Kim, S. Kulankara, and K. E. Herold, "Experimental Evaluation of Enhancement Additives for the Absorption of Water Vapor into Aqueous LiBr," Proceedings of the International Mechanical Engineering Cong. and Expo., San Francisco, AES-Vol. 34, pp. 183-192 (November 1995).
[C3]* K. J. Kim, N. S. Berman, and B. D. Wood, "The Interfacial Turbulence in Falling Film Absorption: Effects of Additives," Proceedings of the Munchen Discussion Meeting'94: Heat Transfer Enhancement by Additives, Munchen (October 1994).
[C2] K. J. Kim, N. S. Berman, and B. D. Wood, "The Interfacial Turbulence in Falling Films with Mass Transfer," Proceedings of the Third JSME-KSME Fluids Engineering Conference, Sendai, Japan, pp. 50-55 (July 1994).
[C1] K. J. Kim, N. S. Berman, and B. D. Wood, "Experimental Investigation of Enhanced Heat and Mass Transfer Mechanisms Using Additives for Vertical Falling Film Absorber," Proceedings of the International Absorption Heat Pump Conference'94, New Orleans, AES-Vol. 31, pp. 41-47 (January 1994).